Parami protocol as an AD3 data privacy platform

3 min readAug 24, 2021

This is the year 2021, and i want to believe over 60% of individuals use social media platforms. It does not matter whether you use LinkedIn( a professional app), Facebook, or Instagram (for your social life).

Neither does it matter if you use WhatsApp chat application, or you joined twitter for politics and crypto currency; the truth is that there has been different case of data breach on these platforms, which is wrong and not supposed to be so considering the world we are in today in terms of technology.

Just before the outbreak of COVID-19 virus, Facebook social platform faced a lawsuit from the government as regard data privacy breach and are still facing backlashes for failing to protect users data, and identities.

In 2021, with the advanced developments that has taken place as regards technological growths, the world is not supposed to experience such difficulties. To ensure that we do not have to face such data leak or privacy insecurities is why the parami protocol was set up.

Parami is a protocol platform that provides solution to these data privacy problems with its trust free paradigm protocol which is also a necessary step in boosting Web 3.0 advert adoption rates which parami protocol also provides solution for.

You can follow this guide to understand how parami works

How would these privacy issues be resolved?

Parami is developing a privacy protocol on the blockchain technology to enhance user control over their data and identity via the platform, and to also boost user acquisition on the platform.

Also, parami is an human centered platform and a privacy preserving network; they are one of the pioneer firms invested in personal data space and privacy protocols on the blockchain technology.

Get more about parami platform in this piece.

Parami will connect people and entities on a single platform.

Building a privacy platform takes several processes, but you can be assured to get the best value from parami because it has received $3 million funding round to build the privacy of data on the blockchain and Web 3.0 applications.

You can get lists of partners here -

Would you like to understand in basic terms how parami leverages the DID (Decentralized Identity) network and ZKP (zero-knowledge proof) to safeguard your privacy?

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Author — Cytpoway

